01. Project Overview

Project Overview

Joy Ride - Project Overview

This is a quick project that gives you a chance to write code that controls a simulated car. This project has three parts (but you will only submit part three).

  1. Part One - Drag Race: In this part you'll write code that lets a car jump over a grove of trees. This might not be a common scenario for a self driving car but it will get you familiar with the programming interface.
  2. Part Two - Circular Track: You'll write code that lets a car navigate a circular track. In doing so you'll explore the relationship between steering angle and turning radius.
  3. Part Three - Parallel Park: In this part you'll write a sequence of instructions that successfully parallel parks a car.


For Part Three, the simulator contains a little bit of noise each time you launch it. To help account for this, consider spending a second or two of time traveling slowly forward in the simulator before reversing into your parallel parking. You should also consider using a fairly low vehicle velocity at all times.


Once you have completed your project, use the Project Rubric to review the project. If you have covered all of the points in the rubric, then you are ready to submit! If you see room for improvement in any category in which you do not meet specifications, keep working!

Your project will be evaluated by a Udacity reviewer according to the same Project Rubric. Your project must "meet specifications" in each category in order for your submission to pass.


From time to time, the simulators in the workspaces need updates. If there is a red marker in the bottom left of your workspace, that means there has been a recent change to the workspace, but it won't automatically load to make sure it doesn't accidentally delete any changes you may have made.

If there is a red marker, you can use the reset data option to load the updates - however, you'll want to save down any of your own work to your own computer, if necessary, prior to doing so.

Even without the red marker, using reset data is a good option to sometimes clear up any issues. Alternatively, you may need to try accessing the workspace with a difference browser.